Wednesday, September 14, 2005

We love it We love it.

I love LA. As the song goes. Its one of my favorite places on Earth. So the question is, why don't I live there? Its actually a pretty darn good question. A better one is why the heck do I live in Utah? But we won't get into that now.

I have been pretty content to just think that Steph and I have a movie that we are going to start making in February, and there is no point in moving before then. And that is fair. But we hate it here, and have talked about moving a few times. To the East Coast mainly. To Boston or Charleston, or somewhere else back there. But never really to LA. Why? Well, for one its expensive. Boston is too of course, but Stephanie is from there like I am from Charleston, so there is always family to help out potentially. Really, logically, it just seems like theres no reason to go to LA right now. But still...

Stephanie suggested that I am a little scared about going there. And, well, I think she is right. As usual. Errrrr. I hate that. I guess I am a little nervous about it. Living in LA was pretty easy. It was really nice. The tricky part was getting settled. Once we were in, it was ok. I think I am a little nervous about getting set up there again. Its really stupid, but its a lot like that little bit of dread one feels about jumping into a pool when they know the water is a little cold. You know once you get in, that you will be fine and even love it. When I played football as a kid, I was always a bit nervous about that first hit in a game. Just waiting to go out and knock someone down would give me butterflies in the stomach. But once I hit someone, then it was on. I think this is a little like that.

As a kid, when I felt this way, I would always want to get in as soon as possible. I wanted to be in on the first play of a game so that I could get past that and get into the game. How that relates to this, I do not know. I need to get back in the game. But I want to do it right.

The only thing that matters at this point is movie making. Thats how it is from now on. Every move I make is based solely on getting this film on the road. To LA or wherever, first things first.

But... I will be back there. Sooner, rather than later.



stacey abshire said...

Which Charleston? Charleston, SC, or Chanrleston, WV... I am assuming Charleston, SC since no one seems to know that Charleston, WV even exists.

Tom said...

Yes, Charleston SC. I do know that Charleston WV exists, though I have never been there.

stacey abshire said...

Hey, one of the few that actually know it exists. I am impressed!