Monday, September 05, 2005

Labor Day

What is Labor Day? I know there is an actual answer to this question, but It has become a strange sort of Holiday. All holidays tend to have that feeling of its just a state sponsored day off. Where people don't really remember why they are off. But Labor day is the worst. Its just this weird day off that they give us to mark the end of summer. Thats how people treat it. Memorial Day is the beginning of Summer and Labor day is the end. I don't know. Its not that I want people do all go out and have Labor day celebrations. You know like Labor Parties. Bring your own Pickett signs. I just think its kind of a strange that we all have this weird three day weekend, seemingly for no reason. Whatever, any excuse to go the the lake one last time and jet ski right?



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Stephanie said...

Do you jet ski?