Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Ok, what the heck. I watched LOST tonight. We decided to watch LOST instead of Veronica Mars. Mostly because VM is on replay Saturday night. Boy was this frustrating. Nothing happened. All they did was fill in the details that they omitted from last week. That would have been fine if any of those details had been interesting, or at the very least necessary. Then of course there was a great hook at the very end just to make us want to watch. All I can say is, that it is quite clear to me that this was meant to be a 2 hour season premiere that they decided to split up. I don't even think that they split it right in half and showed the second half the second week. I think the re-edited it and switched things around. Boy did it show. At least 10 minutes were things that we ACTUALLY SAW last week. Another 30 minutes was stuff we didn't see but pretty much knew happened. I like this show, but boy did they give us the shaft this week.

Oh by the way, I go back to work next week.

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