Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Sex and the City

I'm not sure if I am supposed to like this show but....I do. I have liked it from the beginning. I was never really sure why. I like the Sopranos, I like Six Feet Under and I like Sex and the City. Its the Late 90s Early 2000s HBO you know?

So this show is about women and dating and life in the city right? Ok, but it seems to be about more than that. Its not just about women, but people. Something I recently discovered is that women are, in fact, people too. No, seriously. I know, I can find the inner Fight Club in everything. But I realized tonight why I like this show. These girls are fighting the same battle that Steph and I are fighting. A battle I usually just associate with men. Mostly because, well, I'm a man.

The women in this show are great. They want a real life. They want to do something that matters they want to be successfull. But actual success. They want to live lives that are fulfilling. And while every week brings a new issue of love and sex, it also brings a new examination of life and society and culture.

I tend to think of mundane societal issues of work and travel and material possessions. This show, however deals with the more personal mundane issues of love and sex. It can do this because its a "woman's show" I'm glad it does. It would be great if there was a man show that dealt with same kind of issues. But there can't be. No guys would watch. I probably wouldn't watch it either.

We need more shows like this. THIS is reality television. Yes this show may be a little wacky and all four of its main characters are kind of extremes. They are charactures of different kinds of women. But the whole point of the show is to dig. To try to understand why we do what we do, and why we need to do what we do. The funny thing is, that it is more real than reality shows. There is no camera watching Carrie and Miranda, and they live their real lives. People in reality shows are always in front of a camera. And they are nearly always put into situations that are completely fabricated. Houses, Islands, Entrepreneurial Competitions, Boxing Tournaments. And this is why they cannot be trusted as honest portrayals of life. Those shows are pure entertainment. I gain much more insight into people by watching those 4 gals. And Big and Steve too.

There, so THATs why I watch Sex and the City. For its educational value.


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