Monday, August 08, 2005

Setbacks and Steps Forward

The last night before I turn 30. I found two more really stupid mistakes that I made. Bills that have gone unpaid. One, a regular bill. One that might be easily blamed on poor customer service that gave me some poor information about automatic bill paying. It might be easy to blame them, had I actually checked my bank account once in a while or actually read the mail that they sent.

This is stupid. I set out at the beginning of this year to fix this crap. And every time I turn around I feel like I screwed up again. Worse yet, I feel like I make dumber mistakes than the last. errr.

The other bill issue was related to Student Loans. This isn't even that hard. I just get the occasional piece of mail, and I just need to respond.

The screwed up thing is this. My goal for the last year, year 29 I mean, was to successfully slim and trim my obligations and debts down to something manageble. I have done that. Mission accomplished. Yet I still feel every night I have more and more stuff that I have to worry about. When it is actually less and less. And I used to put everything off until tomorrow. Now I'm putting stuff off until 12 hours from now. Just as long as I don't have to worry about that RIGHT NOW. ERRRRRR

But tomorrow is the big day. It's on now. Goals for year 30 and goals for decade 30s. I can't stop talking about it. Its like a stupid thought that gets in your head. You don't even feel that way, but it keeps coming back. Just because you said it was stupid. Own it. Embrace it. The hell with it. I'll say it. Tomorrow is going to be the biggest most important day in my whole entire life!
Well, we will see I guess.

Time to grow up then right?
So I guess that means no more Star Wars quotes then. Right?

"Not this ship sister."

You know better than that.

Heres to it.

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