Monday, August 15, 2005

Monday Monday....

I'm just not sure what to write about today. No really. I have no idea. Its Monday. Ugh. I hate Mondays. But more than Mondays, I hate being so damned typical as to hate Mondays. And its not that I just want to be different, for difference sake. But for the fact that I hate that life style that people lead that makes them hate Mondays. But I'm playing the role of grumpy worker bee guy so here goes.

I almost got killed by a crazy lady who didn't know how to use her turn signal. She was in the right lane and I in the left on a shopping center road. I got into the left hand turning lane and she cut across two lanes to get in front of me with no blinker.

I have this guy that I work with who thinks that nothing is his problem, when in fact he's the guy who runs things. Well no, he is the guy who works the computer that controls the security system I am installing. He doesn't run anything. Another guy and I were trying to adjust a card swiper that unlocks a door, while he monitored it. He told us to try something. So we did. He got the appropriate reading so he said it worked. We then tried to go in the door physically and it would not open. When we told him this, he replied "Well I'm sorry" and then hung up.

I've got guys that actually work at the building that I am protecting who are bugging me all day about if they are going to get to sneak out of the emergency exits to smoke anymore. Um no! Its a military base for crying out loud. You can't be propping open emergency exits so that you can sneak out and smoke when no one is looking. And don't get mad at me because you can't be trusted. I'm just the guy that does the installation.

Oh, thats it I guess. Its really not much actually. The biggest complaint I have is how the heck to people live this lifestyle. Every morning on my way to work I call one of my best friends on his way to work. Of course its 8:15 for him and 6:15 for me. And every morning he says "Whats up?" and I say "Going to work" and he says "Me too" I think he plans to be that way forever. "I am Jack's raging bile duct" ERRRRRRRRR.


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