Monday, November 05, 2007

Tom Andrews and the Quest for Truth

In a world where things are not always as they seem. In a land where people aren't always who they say they are. Comes a man on quest to discover secrets of himself and the truth about his life. I have in the last year come to the conclusion that I am not always who I thought I was. And that truthfully I don't know how I feel about a lot of things.

I will be using this blog over the next weeks to work out some truths about myself. Most specifically, how I feel about certain things, what I like, and what I belive.

Tonight's question is a big one. Sports.

I am a Sports guy, and I have been for as long as I can remember. In college, I was one of "those guys" who painted his face, drank a lot and yelled and screamed at every football game. Its true. Looking back at that guy. I'm not quite sure who that was. I'm not embarrassed at all. But I wonder if I did that because I really wanted to, or if there was something more.

In college I suffered with some issues. Specifically depression, confidence and identity. In fact I have spent a lifetime struggling with identity. I'd like to look back and chuckle at my face painting days, but there is something about it that seems fishy. A little too comfortable with the knowledge that people knew me as a guy that painted his face. A little too concerned with what people thought about me and if they were looking my way. A little too conscious of how it made me feel about myself. And a little too quick to accept football as the most important thing in my life to the detriment of everything else.

Now, I don't act that way anymore. And here is the question. Was I unhealthy before and have become more healthy? Or was I fine before and have simply evolved and changed, grown and matured? I'm not yet sure.

I'm not saying that there was anything wrong before. I'm not ashamed. But I have questions about myself and that requires a closer look.

This is just one small area of the Sports World According to Tom that needs exploration. One Step at a Time.


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