Sunday, November 25, 2007

Housebreaking....that Darned D

So I haven't done very well with getting Johnny Drama housebroken. Its been tricky as we have been moving a lot. But really its just an excuse. I have been lazy for a couple of reasons. First because his little poops and pees are so small and tiny that they don't seem to cause much problem. Even the pee is easy to clean since its like a thimble full. The second reason is just that I am lazy.

When we got Sonny, I didn't have a dog yet so I knew that I was going to have to do this. And I told Stephanie that I would do whatever it would take. I did a pretty good job I'd say. Well...We did have to pay for the carpet to be replaced at our apartment in Sherman Oaks, so I don't know how good it was. Somewhere after that, he really became a very good dog. He has had "accidents" on only the most rare of occasions. The thing is though, I have become pretty darned used to having a trained dog. So when I got a new dog, I really wasn't ready for the potty training.

So I haven't done a great job. I have managed to get him to pee and poop in acceptable places indoors. Which means on the puppy pad or on the bathroom floor. Actually, he gets in the tub and pees. Which I thought was great and encouraged a lot. I figured maybe I'll never have to walk him again. But its not good for him or me.

So Steph got us a new book. The Loved Dog by Tamar Gellar. And I am rededicated to training my puppy as well as teaching my slightly older, but still young dog some new tricks. So we will be dealing with some whining and some crying over the next week or so, but I think it will be worth it.

I love Dogs.

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