Friday, November 23, 2007

Black Friday!

Sometime back I heard the term Black Friday. It was funny term that retailers used amongst themselves as the day that all the crazy shoppers come screaming to the stores to get in their Christmas shopping. Little by little, the term has gotten out to everyone else and has become pretty common. The weird thing is that its apparently so common, that the stores are calling it that in their advertisements. Now this seems a bit much to me.

First off Stores...lets not pretend that you hate this day. If anything its Green Friday or This will keep us going for all of next year Friday. I guess its working though. The shoppers seem to act like the hate it too. But they all do it. A special day when shoppers and retailers all grumble together.

The way I see it is like this. And to paraphrase the great General Bethlehem would say...You want Black Friday? I'll....give you.... Black Friday!

So Stephanie and I ventured out on this day for no other reason than to chuckle at the hilarity of it all. We go out with no shopping agenda at all and therefore have no stress.

A funny thing happened today however. We got to Best Buy and started finding some really good deals. Oh...Don't worry. It wasn't about Christmas shopping. It was about picking up some long desired DVD sets for both of us.


Six Feet Under Complete Series for 114 bucks
Dark Angel Complete Series for 40 bucks
The Ultimate James Bond Collection all 21 movies for 90 bucks

Holy Crap! Awesome.
We did pick up a couple of gifts at that point, what the heck right? As long as we stayed true and kept this day all about us. December is for Christmas diggity doggonit. Black Friday is for Pirates...arrrrrgh. And we came home with the Booty.


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