Monday, November 12, 2007

East Coast Kind of Guy?

Here on our last night living in New Jersey, I am thinking a little bit about how I feel about that. This is something I have thought about quite a bit. I am a person that tends to latch onto certain things or ideas and not let go. From little things, to seemingly more important things. I have been a Coke over Pepsi, McDonald's over Burger King, kind of guy. I'm a National League guy. A Shorts and Flip Flops kind of guy. I also have always thought I was an East Coast guy too.

Not really because I chose it. I did live sometime in Arizona as a kid, but it my parents hated it and it was always a matter of time before we moved "back east." I moved to California in 2003, and I still couldn't really shake the "I'm out here" feeling. The jobs I had took me more and more eastward. Salt Lake City, Austin, Boston, New Jersey and now to Baltimore. I have been up and Down the East Coast a lot in the last year. To Key West...Twice, to Charleston several times, to Boston and New York City many times. And I have come to a strange and very surprising conclusion.

....I don't really like it here....

More importantly....I like it "out there."

I miss the west. A lot. And I am stunned by this. I could talk for a week about what I miss about Los Angeles. I miss the Great Salt Lake and the Wasatch Mountains. I miss the Alamo. I miss Kingman Arizona. I miss how in the West you can see for 100 miles in all directions. I miss the Sunshine. I miss the rocky mountains in general and The Rocky Mountains in specific. Its beautiful out there.

To be fair. In my recent life here in the "Far East" I have discovered the pure joy and magic that is New York City. Wow, what an awesome place.

In the end, what I found is that I really could live anywhere. I could still choose to live in the East or the South. I'm pretty sure I won't live in too cold a place, but I could. The cool thing is that I have manage to remove this curious sort of umbilical cord that had kept me attached to the East Coast and has freed me up to live anywhere that Steph and I would like. And thats pretty exciting.

I put LA's chances at about 65% and New York's at about 30% and everywhere else at 5%.

We'll See.


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