Sunday, February 19, 2006

Dr. Pepper and The Alamo

Another busy day. Got up and left Houston this morning. We went to San Antonio. That wasn't really in the plan, but we added it. Didn't take too long. We saw the Alamo. This is actually the third time I have been to the Alamo. Once when I was a kid with my parents while moving across the country. Then again in 96 when I was with Jeff and Susie on our trip to Arizona to see Florida get their butts cut by Nebraska. And was pretty cool.

Here is another reason to love Stephanie. She has the same time/space hangup that I do. Its freaky to her that we were driving on the same highway that Jeff and I were once on before. Also one that she and Shelley were on once before as well. "Its like you guys are still here" she said. She's weird. I love her. I feel the same way. Not to mention, we discussed how Santa Anna and 4000 angry Mexican soldiers were standing in the Hyatt Regency San Antonio ready to slaughter the guys in the Alamo. Very weird.

Here's the really cool thing. In a gas station on I-10, I found "the special Dr Pepper" Its pretty darned good too. It has a kind of homemade taste too it. I bought 4 bottles. But they were gone by tonight. Steph had one, and I had three. Thats why I'm up late too. I'd like to find a way to get some more.

Man Texas is great. Sports, History and the home of one of my favorite things in the world. I think we are going to take a little trip up to Waco next weekend and visit the Dr Pepper museum. Sweet.


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