Thursday, December 01, 2005

LOST...once again

Just thought I'd write quickly about LOST. And oh by the way, I am feeling a bit better. Having spent all day walking around trying not to disturb my sick feeling.

Anyway, I watched last night's LOST tonight, and once again it was quite good. I am definitly back to the point where the show is great. And I now have to deal with a large break in the action.

Steph and I watched all of season one in a single week. It was hard enough waiting a week between episodes. Now I have to endure a long winter hiatus.

This watching a TV show on the Network's schedule is for the birds. Its like the DVR. I just don't start watching a show until well after it starts, then I can skip the commercials. Well, I will just wait until summer from now on. Then I can cram full seasons into short periods of time. Its really the best way to do it.


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