Saturday, December 10, 2005

A little excitement tonight

Well, we had a little excitement around here this evening. Steph and Sonny and I went up to McDonalds to grab some dinner. When we got back, there was a police car here. My brother was talking to him. Turns out, while we were gone, my brother heard some screaming out in the woods. He said a woman screamed Help at the top of her lungs from out in the woods behind our house. He said he heard her, then a man yelling something he couldn't make out, and then the woman screamed again. Then he said he never heard anything again. So he called 911.

We didn't really know much after that. But about 20 minutes later, my brother was driving out of the neighborhood and he saw the police dragging a handcuffed man to a police car. We could hear dogs barking like crazy out in the woods. We assumed the arrested the guy and where now searching for the woman. Scary.

A bit later, my brother talked to the cops again. He said that they found the woman and that she was ok. They wouldn't say any more than that.

Anyway, its pretty freaky. I know its going to be one of those silly things that no one ever finds out what happened. We will see I guess.


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