Friday, December 09, 2005

The Matrix

Steph and I were talking about the movie The Matrix tonight. Mostly just because sometimes we feel like WE are in the Matrix.

The catch about the movie however is that it takes the cheap way out. Its a great metaphor for the way the world is. We are plugged into some strange system of jobs and television and family life and politics and cars and entertainment and it all just feels phony. The movie gives us what we want. The thing that would make it easy. The Matrix is real. Everyone wants a revolution. Everyone wants to revolt from their humdrum life, but its just too hard. Nothing is clear. There is no obvious path to take. No one knows who to revolt against.

In the movie, they give us an easy one. The human race has actually been enslaved. The entire human race, not just one group or another. All races, religions and genders together, oppressed by machines. Not other humans, but machines. The easy way again. The enemy is a faceless, mindless monster. It is off in the distance and not subject to debate. An easy-to-hate enemy with no question of its intentions.

Stephanie pointed out also that Morpheus just gives Neo a pill to make him see. Also the easy way out. No need to have to convince him or sell him on the theory. Give him a pill and he will just understand. Furthermore, the pill wakes him up out of the Matrix. Which means there is no way back. Again easy. Neo can't just go back to the Matrix once it gets to hard. You take away his choice and make him be the savior.

What I would like to see is this movie, but where there is no Matrix. Where Morpheus attracts Neo to be the savior, but he has to do it in the real world. Where Neo's job as savior is to convince the world that there is a better way to live. To lead a revolution of mind and spirit without the benefit of a single obvious enemy to revolt against.

What I am talking about is making a cross between The Matrix and Fight Club. There is a real movie in here somewhere, and Steph and I are going to find it.


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