Monday, December 12, 2005

Fort Sumter

Today was my first day working at Fort Sumter. Let me just say, it was like Whoa! I mean it was really cool. Just being around there is amazing.

The first thing I noticed is how quiet it is. You are miles away from anything, so naturally it is quiet. There are ships that pass by, and an airplane every now and again. But its very very quiet.

And that is spooky considering everywhere you go, there are reminders of how loud it was there one time. For 34 hours the Fort was bombarded by cannons mounted on islands and beaches all around. There are pictures of the bombing in the Fort Museum. Its just amazing to think how loud it must have been. This, in turn, makes it all the more spooky when its that quiet.

I find myself wondering if any ghosts are watching me. All in all, its pretty doggone cool.


1 comment:

Stephanie said...

You believe in ghosts? Freak...;)