Friday, July 22, 2005

Hollywood, Dreams and Motivation

2 years ago, I finished my Masters program at the University of South Carolina. (Go Cocks) I moved out to Los Angeles with Stephanie and Sonny. Our other friends from school, Shelley and Aysha moved out there too. I went to Hollywood with dreams to be fulfilled. We have established that I Love LA already. However, I went to LA for a number of reasons. I like big cities, I like sunshine, I like the Dodgers, and I want to make it in the film industry. So it didn't take a lot of research to figure out what city might be best for me.

But while living in the city of Los Angeles was always a goal for me. My dreams are much larger than that. My dreams are, and have always been, to find a meaningful way to work and live. I want to influence others. I have things to say, and stories to tell, and I have dedicated my life to telling those stories. I don't like to use the A word, but I want to make art. I want to share it with others that might enjoy it.

Right now, Steph and I are talking about Baseball. We will be taking a road trip to all the Major League stadiums in the country next year. This is a great project. We are going to get into why people go to games and why Baseball is and has been so important to America.

The only struggle sometimes is to maintain motivation. Its a difficult life that I have chosen. But it is very important to me. There are times when I think it would just be easier to keep the job I have now. It pays well, has good benefits and would be a good way to save money. There are plenty of times when I wonder if its worth it. But it is. Without a doubt. I could never be the kind of person that worked a regular job, just because it paid well and afforded me the opportunity to do things I like in my spare time.

We are going to make this movie. Its happening. It will be good too. And when its done. Steph and I will use it to show people, and we will get more money for future projects, based upon that.

Yes, me and my dreams are right on track.

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