Friday, July 15, 2005

Getting in shape

I hate how out-of-shape I am right now. I have never been like this before. But I hate exercise even more so. Not exercise exactly, but intentional shape building exercise. Its always been so easy. I had games to play and athletic stuff to do. But right now, there just isnt much of that. So its Jogging. Ugh. I hate joggin. But I hate feeling tired and crappy too. What to do? What to do? Make up your mind to do it. I guess so. Its so easy to sit here and think about doing it. I can see it in my head. Jogging early in the morning. Push-ups and sit-ups. Pull-ups, jump rope, hit the heavy bag, drinking raw eggs, running up steps. Hmmmm if I could just think of some catchy music to go along with it. Hmmmm. The problem I have always had is that you actually have to do it. Even when I get really mad and fired up and determined to get up and do it, all it does is make my daydreams more intense and before I know it. I ve spent 30 minutes thinking about doing 15 minutes of exercise.

Its been over a week that Ive been blogging. I have often thought about starting a blog. even sat here and imagined what Id write. I never took the initiative to get started. Until my best friend Stephanie made one for me. Since I started, I have not yet lost interest and even look forward to each night writing something. I have had no trouble remembering to do it each night. Running will be the same thing. Im sure of it dammit. It must be. I will make myself go until I like it as much as this. But not tonight. I ll do it tomorrow.

If anyone reads this, and I dont exercise, you have my permission to give me a hard time. Thanks.


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