Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The Tom and Steph Constitution

A little something Steph and I did on New Year's Eve was to draft a constitution for our Movement. It may sound silly, but thats ok. Its what we do. Because Stephanie and I are tired of people not striving to be the best they can be. We are tired of people settling for less than they should. We believe life is for living, and not just surviving. Ourselves included. For that purpose, we wrote this.

We the people of the United Minds, in order to form a more perfect society, establish truth, in sure growth and creativity, and secure the blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United Minds of America

Article I: Integrity
Do that which you claim you will do. Be that which you claim to be. Live a life that is both genuine and true. Treat every action you take, every task you perform and every promise you make as the though the sanctity of your name were staked upon its success. Every word you speak is a promise you make.

Article II: Presence
Be present in the world around you. Let not one moment pass by without your knowledge. Be in charge, take control, direct yourself purposefully at all times. Waste not by lethargy, apothy or timidity one moment better spent in the pursuit of truth.

Article III: Purpose
Seek meaning and substance in your life. Spend the short time on Earth that is yours in the pursuit of accomplishments that better yourself and the world around you. Search for that which exists within you which is creative and true and which serves to enlighten those who exist in darkness.

Whether life exists by accident or by intelligent design, its existance shall be revered as a gift bestowed upon us all. We shall live our lives in appreciation of this gift and in understanding of its importance. We shall utilize for the good of all, the gift of the mind. Think.

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