Saturday, March 18, 2006

Day 9. The 4 movie Big Finale *LOL*

Today was pretty long and tiring, but pretty darned good nonetheless. A 4 movie Finale.

First was a movie that was just flat out not good. I don't know what to say about it much more than that. Things That Hang From Trees. The ongoing theme of this festival for Steph and me is how to make good films from small amounts of money. Well heres an example of a lousy film that was made with a lot more money than we would get. I have nothing else to say other than this movie was just lame.

Second was Charlize Theron's movie East of Havana. She produced the movie that is. And the important part is that it was shot on the same camera that we bought. Thats a big deal. And it was important for us to get a look at what our camera can do. And its nice. Real nice. As a film, this movie was quite good. A real look at a tough situation for poverty stricken people in Cuba. Its interesting to see how American Rap Music can appeal to the poor and downtrodden in Cuba in much the same way it spoke to similar people in America in the late 80s and early 90s.

The next film we saw was American Dreamz. This was a lot of fun. A real, big budget movie that will be released in a few weeks. It appeals of course to the Idol fans in both Steph and me of course. It was very funny. I think, of course, some of the audience members got a little carried away with their Anti-Bush excitement. The movie has a President character in it. In my opinion, it is much more a parody of our media than of our President. But these people are all stupid, so they don't see it.

The last movie of the night was LOL. This is one of the most interesing movies for us. It is made for dirt cheap (3000 dollars), and by a filmmaker (Joe Swanberg) that seems to have a similar outlook on movies as us. It was a very cool film. I really liked it a lot. It serves as inspiration. Kind of like, "If this can get in, than ours can get in." But thats a little unfair, as LOL is not a bad film. I just know that it is something that we could make.

The last day was a long one. By the time it was over, I had quite a headache and I was looking forward to sleeping in late the next day. Fortunately, I had 2 days off to recover. What a day! What a week!


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