Friday, March 10, 2006

Day 1. F*CK! SXSW is on!!

Ok, here we go. The day arrived. I got up and went to work. But I spent pretty much the whole day just trying to get out of there. We managed to get out a bit early which worked out really well. So I had enough time to get home, get showered and eat.

So lets get to it. Steph and I got downtown in pretty decent time. We took MOPAC down to Cesar Chavez Blvd. We had to stop at an ATM to make sure we had money to park. We parked in the Convention Center Parking Garage. From there we went to the convention center to get our Badges. We picked up our badges and a bag full of swag. An interesting and personal thing happened here, but I will get into that a little later.

We got a coupon for a free beer. That was a good way to start. After that, it was time to walk to the Paramount movie theater and find some food along the way. We ate at Schlotsky's Deli, and it was pretty good.

Ok. The first movie was called F*ck, and it was pretty darned good. It was a documentary about the word. Where did it come from? What does it mean? Why do people like saying it? This movie was good. It was very funny and pretty clever. Even when it got a little political, it still stayed pretty even and in the middle. Although, people in the audience seem to respond only to the parts that are sort of typical "liberal" positions. It was also very cool to be able to hear from the director after the film was over.

The next film we saw was Robert Altman's new film Prairie Home Companion. This one was a big deal. This is the North American premiere of a major Hollywood film. Not that Altman wants to be known as a Hollywood filmmaker. The best part was that John C. Freaking Reilly spoke on stage before the movie started. Holy Crap that was cool. The movie itself was pretty good. It was a little weird which is typical of RA, especially in his recent movies. Unlike his recent movies, this one was pretty enjoyable. Fun to watch in a lot of places. Especially Reilly and Woody Harrellson.

After the movie, we popped into the after party at a bar on 6th street. We saw JC Reilly again there which was cool.

We headed home around midnight or so. What a night! All in all, a great beginning to what should be an awesome, if not exhausting, week of movie stuff! Woo Hoo! I'm lovin this!


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