Saturday, May 20, 2006

The Davinci Code

So I went to see the Davinci Code today. First off, I'm glad to finally know what the heck all the fuss is about. And I must say, its pretty darn cool, and I'm glad to finally be in on it. And as of right now. It just posted a 29.5 million dollar opening day. Which puts it pretty darned high up in the all time rankings. Sitting in the Star Wars weekend, a week before Memorial day, this movie could potentially a pretty big grosser.

Now, here is the first issue that needs touching on. The reviews for this movie are pretty bad. Actually, the reviews seem to be only slightly bad. Its just that there are a ton of them. Rotten Tomatoes gives it a fresh rating of 16!! Thats extremely low. But it calls out the inherit problem with the rotten tomatoes system. In this case, its seems that most reviewers don't think its THAT bad, but just that 123 out of 150 think its kind of bad. So it makes it look worse than it is. That said....Are they NUTS!!!!

This movie was very good. VERY GOOD. Its now three weekends in a row where I am left to deal with the ridiculous fact that reviewers are morons, and I don't understand what it is they are looking for in a movie. What's different about this movie from Stick It and Posiden is that I feel they were waiting to love this movie. The Reviewers (calling them writers would give them too much credit at this point) are continuing to bring too much baggage into the movies with them. They clearly went into Stick It and Posiden chomping ready and eager to pounce on them. Armed with catch phrases and pithy remarks already written just waiting for the opportunity to use them.

It would seem that Davinci Code was different. It seems to me that they are all desperately dissappointed by a film that they inexplicably assumed would be the next Schindler's List. When it turned out to be just another very good film, they couldn't handle it.

I am pretty much done with movie reviewers at this point. We will go ahead and add most of them to ESPN personalites on the list of people with the most power but the least understanding of what they are talking about.

The second thing of interest about this film is the religious aspect. I know there have been protests. I met a person recently who said he wouldn't see the movie because he "was a Christian." I told him I consider myself a Christian and I can't wait to see it.

Having seen the movie I can now examine my thoughts on the subject. I thought it was great. And from a religious point of view I thought it was interesting. First things first, it's fiction. It does not mean that Ron Howard or Tom Hanks or anyone involved believe what it says. Its fiction. Its just like Star Wars or Superman. Its a story, fabricated to excite people. Furthermore, the movie never really claims to prove that its story is true. They say that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalen and that she gave birth to a daughter after the Crucifixion. In the end, characters in the movie assert that this is true and that one character in the movie is a descendant of Jesus. They are searching for the final resting place of Mary Magdalen which is essentially the big mystery. They mention doing DNA testing to verify. However that would only prove that she was related to Mary. In the end, the very best that they could do was prove that all of this was about Mary Magdalen and her descendants. There is still no definitive proof that her unborn child was that daughter of Jesus.

In addition to all that is this. I am speaking of myself. If I were to find that this is true. If I were to find out that Jesus was a man. Had a wife, and a child. Would this change how I feel about God and my religion. The answer is no. I would not feel different. I have always believed in God. I have always felt the power and comfort of my religion. And I have always been aware that things in the bible are stories that are designed to illustrate the best way to live life. I could believe that the story of Jesus could fit that discription as well. What the Davinci Code is about, in my opinion, is plausible. But it would not change how I live my life and how I practice my faith.

I do, however, understand why some people will be upset. I do not know much about the Catholic Church in general, but I understand why many would feel that they had been living a lie if this were to be true. I just know for myself, it would not affect me that way.


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