Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I think it's time for me to fly

I turned in my two weeks notice tonight. I'll tell you what. I was actually a little nervous, and this surprised me. I have, of course, expected this day would come for quite some time. I have, of course, been ready to be done with this line of work for a while. I have, of course, no real regrets or sadness over leaving Texas. I have, however, a strange and urgent desire to make sure people don't hate me. Sometimes, this desire can be a problem. Most times I'd say. I honestly though that my current supervisor would be fine with me leaving, but on the way over I got really nervous that he might be mad. He wasn't. He reacted how I generally expected him to. Supportive and generally cool, all the way around.

So now I am free. I am ready to give up all this. My 23 dollar an hour job. My food per diam. My free housing. Everything. I'm ready to be an artist. Preferably not the starving kind, but an artist anyway. I'm ready to go! I can't wait. California here we come, right back where we started from. California.....Californyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

And Stephanie realized that my last day will be July 12th 2006. My first day ever working for Dataline in Utah was July 12th 2004. 2 years to the exact day! Thats freaky.


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